Now that summer has passed and transitioned into the fall; it's time to pull out those cozy blankets, warm mugs of hot cocoa, and that good book you've been dying to read. While all of that sounds great, there comes a time where your tummy rumbles for food and makes you question - "What's for dinner?" Here's a simple recipe for a smooth, not time-consuming soup that you can give a try using our new Bone Broth. Not only is the recipe quick and straightforward, it's also good for your gut along with other health benefits that you can gain from it.
Préparer 20 minutes | Cuire 40 minutes
Facile | Pour 8 personnes
Soupe à la courge musquée désossée et à la sauge
- 2 tablespoons Organika’s Coconut Oil
- 1 petit oignon, haché
- 1 branche de céleri, hachée
- 1 carotte moyenne, hachée
- 2 scoops of Organika's Beef Bone Broth Protein Powder in 32 fluid ounces of liquid
- 2 cuillères à café de sauge fraîchement hachée
- 2 pommes de terre biologiques / locales moyennes, coupées en cubes
- 1 courge musquée moyenne biologique / locale, pelée, épépinée et coupée en cubes
Comment faire
- Melt Organika’s coconut oil in a large pot, and cook the onion, celery, carrot, potatoes, sage and squash for 5 minutes, or until lightly browned. Pour enough of the Organika Bone Broth liquid to cover vegetables. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover pot, and simmer for 40 minutes, or until all vegetables are tender.
- Transfer the soup into a blender, and blend until smooth. Return to pot, and mix in any remaining broth to attain desired consistency. Season with salt and pepper. The key to good food is to enjoy it. By having good quality, slow food fast like the Bone Broth, we can take the time to be creative in the kitchen and feel better; so we can have fun cooking - and take the time to enjoy the food!