tout le collagène

Les bienfaits du collagène : retour aux sources !

Amy Wilson

Hydrolyzed collagen has been a popular ‘go to’ in the health food industry for some time now. With so many claims to healing qualities such as improved skin health, relief from joint pain and supporting heart health, collagen has become a staple in many people’s daily lives.

The benefits of collagen, internally and externally, seem to be noticed by collagen users... all by adding this simple protein into their daily routine.

While we talk a lot about details and types of collagen, and how to use it... let’s get back to the basics.

Alors, qu'est-ce que le collagène exactement ?


You may have heard of amino acids. They are the small building blocks that, when added together, create protein. Common amino acids such as lysine, glutamine, and tryptophan play specific roles all around the body.

For example, tryptophan helps us build serotonin, our ‘happy hormone’. When you string together a series of different amino acids, we get protein. Protein is needed for growth, repair, immune system support and all-around structural support.


Amino acids that make up collagen are arginine, glycine, glutamine, hydroxyproline and more. The amino acid content in collagen directly influences proper building and growth. Our bodies are made up of collagen. Collagen makes up most of our skin, tendons, ligaments and muscles. We can find collagen in our bones for strength, as well as in the walls of our arteries for that elastic stretch with blood pressure change. Collagen is abundant in the human body.


When we take a collagen product, we may notice a difference in how fast our hair or nails grow. Some individuals notice a difference in their skin such as less breakouts or more tightness and reduced fine lines. When we see the effects at such a superficial level, it is easy to understand and recognize the internal healing qualities and benefits of collagen, skin rejuvenation is just a fantastic bonus!

Il existe de nombreuses raisons de prendre du collagène. Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques avantages du collagène et les raisons pour lesquelles de plus en plus de personnes choisissent de prendre ce super aliment en complément.

Woman in a kitchen using Organika Enhanced Collagen in cooking

Soutenir le processus de vieillissement

Aging, stress and activity all require adequate amounts of protein in an individual’s diet. Out of all the macro nutrients, (carbohydrates, fats and proteins), protein seems to be the most lacking in the North American diet. When there is not enough protein in the diet, body tissues break down faster, the aging process speeds up and we are not able to recover as quickly as we should.

Notre système immunitaire a besoin de protéines pour fonctionner

If you tend to get sick often, you should consider increasing the amount of protein in your diet to help build immunity. The amino acids found in collagen will directly increase the number of immune cells that help you stay healthy by combating bacteria and viruses. The protein that makes up collagen is like that of bone broth, hence the reason one should consume bone broth or collagen when sick to aid in quicker recovery.

Santé des articulations

La protéine de collagène contribue directement à la santé de nos articulations. Lorsque nous vieillissons, nous nous entraînons et nous nous déplaçons, nos articulations sont soumises à un stress. Il est important de prendre soin de nos articulations en leur accordant du repos, en les récupérant et en les nourrissant correctement. La consommation quotidienne d'un supplément de collagène peut contribuer à l'intégrité et à la structure des articulations.

Vieillir avec grâce

There are many factors that contribute to an overall youthful look. Staying hydrated and consuming healthy fats is key when it comes to the beauty of your skin. Adding a collagen supplement daily will contribute to the growth of collagen all around your body, noticeably the skin. Collagen is responsible for the elasticity and integrity of our skin. The timeline for results can vary for everyone, from 4 weeks or more. The results you will experience by adding this simple supplement to your diet is so worth the wait.

Adding a clean and ethical source of collagen to your daily health regime can pay off in big ways!


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