"A woman is human. She is not better, wiser, stronger, more intelligent, more creative, or more responsible than a man. Likewise, she is NEVER less."
As a strong and powerful woman in today's world, I found myself excited and honoured to celebrate the upcoming International Women's day on March 8th - A worldwide celebrated and National Holiday that was first started on March 19th, 1911.
As a mother of 2 very strong-willed daughters, I take great pride and honour in representing a movement that is very close to my heart. A feminist, raised by a feminist, installed throughout my entire life the power of being a strong woman, creating awareness for the sisterhood of equality, protecting those rights for other women and be a positive movement in the change of equality for my daughters and their daughters as my mother did.
Being raised by a single mom in poverty, suffering from a debilitating mental illness gave me the experience and appreciation of the power of women, equality and strength in numbers. My mom was always fighting for her rights, teaching my sister and me to stand tall and to be proud of who we were. To understand that whatever you put your mind to you would always succeed at. Most of all, she taught us the importance of valuing who we were, to understand our voice and power and to respect ourselves enough to know that standing up for our beliefs and rights would not only lead to the potential within ourselves but for future generations of women to come.
Today I embrace the opportunity to share with my daughters the meaning of IWD, a celebration of women from our past and our present. When I think of powerful women, I think of Queen Elizabeth, Hilary Clinton, Michelle Obama and Oprah!
I recently returned to work after ten years of being a stay at home mom, with my beautiful daughters. Motherhood is a continuous balance of yourself, your children, your partner, your career, your friends and even your sanity.
Times have changed for women when it comes to motherhood, equality in the home and also in the workplace. Most of my friends have chosen to keep their leading roles in their careers while balancing motherhood, myself included. I wanted to teach my children that chasing after your dreams and doing what you are passionate about didn't have to end with the choice of being a mother.
Many powerful women today are mothers, their success has come after having their children, and the balance of a successful career and motherhood has had its challenges. As we move forward in the equality of women, I feel that it is important to recognize not only our sisterhood of strong women but the men who also step into the roles that once were " women only".
The support of equality not only comes in society, the workplace but also in our households and relationships. More and more women are stepping up into leading roles in their careers, supported by their partners as well as their employers. It is movements like #metoo, the voice of powerful women in society and the celebration of how far women and their successes have gone that makes International Women's Day highly excitable and recognised.
Equality in both sexes is what we are seeking - Feminism, again meaning the equality of both men and women.
As our future generations look upon our history and movements, I hope that my two daughters see the successes, the challenges, the failures and the strength of what every one of us women has faced moving forward. That with the support of not only other women the men who also support this movement of equality can also be recognized as we move forward in balance.
International Women's day is not just a celebration for us ladies to inspire and support each other moving forward, it is also the inspirational movement of the determination of us women wanting to lead the way to a positive change in the equality of both Women and Men in our world.
-Chelan Wilkins, RHN- Busy mother of two, and Organika's National Education Trainer.

International Women's Day 2018!
What does International Women's day represent? Well, it is a celebration of achievements throughout history, a " global celebration" of gender parity. It is a celebration of creating equality in our world of men and women! Feminism is the meaning representation of equal rights between men and women. With hashtags arising over the last few months and even years, we see movements such as #metoo, #myfeminisim and #timesup. What does each of these represent to every one of us? Powerful speeches and women in history shattering glass ceilings, inspiring powerhouse women in business, politics, education, and even in family households. The voice of women and commodity of each of us seems to be on the rise, and days like IWD ( International Women's Day ) are becoming more celebrated, embraced and recognized as time evolves.