Health & Wellness

3 Easy Ways to Ditch Stress Naturally

Organika Health Products

Learn how to manage stress with lifestyle tips and natural stress relief supplements

Let’s face it; stress is impossible to avoid. But, that doesn’t mean that it should control your life. Sometimes all you need is a little time to relax, and some enthusiasm to say no to the things that get under your skin. And when that doesn’t work, there are stress relief supplements to help you ditch the pressure and rise to the occasion. Stress is your body’s response to demand and pressure, and with enough repetition, it can wreak havoc on your health. Learning to manage your stress efficiently is the key to that calm state of mind we’re all constantly after.

What Kind of Stress are you Facing?

Knowing what kind of stress you’re facing can help you realize why you feel the way you do. Figuring out the sources of your stress can help you manage it better.
Acute Stress
Acute stress is short-term stress. It can be exciting or motivating. Acute stress is the stress you feel when you’re at the top of a roller coaster, or when you have deadline looming, and shifts you into gear to get the job done. Acute stress isn’t a health concern since it’s short-lived, but it can become exhausting. If you’re stuck in acute stress mood for a few hours on end, you may notice that same project your felt motivated about, or that rollercoaster that seemed so exciting starts to become tiring. Finishing up or taking a break can you help regain some energy and relieve some stress.
Episodic Stress
Episodic stress is when you experience that acute stress frequently. That’s people who live chaotic lives, where stressful deadlines demand attention all the time, things are always late, or you have too many projects on the go. It’s also common in people who worry about everything.
Chronic Stress
Chronic stress comes from long-term exposure to stress. It can be downright debilitating and wear away at you day after day. Chronic stress is the type that you should be most concerned about when it comes to health. It impacts sleeping patterns, contributes to depression and can affect your ability to cope with tough situations. Chronic stress can be the result of traumatic experiences, dysfunctional family dynamics or chronic illness.

The Consequences of Stress

Stress can affect your physical and emotional health. Some of the common symptoms of stress include:

Physical Symptoms

  • Trouble sleeping
  • Headaches
  • Tense muscles
  • Low energy
  • Irregular heartbeat or chest pains
  • Excessive sweating

Emotional Symptoms

  • Irritability
  • Anger
  • Depression
  • Mental fatigue
  • Poor concentration
  • Low self-esteem

How To Manage Your Stress Better

Get your life back by learning how to manage your stress more effectively. That means taking time to relax, saying no to negative pressures, and putting your health first.
Exercise is excellent for helping to energize you and reduce overall tension. Aerobic exercise, in particular, has been proven to effectively relieve symptoms of stress, balance mood and improve sleep. Try going out for a bike ride, a jog, or get out and dance. The key is to get your heart pumping, and to do it regularly!
2. Meditation/Prayer
Deep breathing and mindfulness practices such as prayer and meditation can help to produce feelings of relaxation. You can pray and meditate out in the peacefulness of nature, or plug in a guided prayer or meditation in the comforts of your own home. The important part is that you make sure you’re taking that time for yourself.
3. Laughter
Doing things that you enjoy and spending time with people that make you laugh is so important! You've got to balance out those feelings of stress with feelings of happiness. Spend an evening with friends, or see comedy, and spend some time laughing.  

A Little Extra Help With Stress Relief Supplements

Sometimes you need a little extra support to help manage the stress in your life. That’s where natural supplementation comes in. These three supplements are great for helping you deal with side effects of stress so that the calm can come back.
1. Enhanced Collagen Relax
Enhanced Collagen Relax contains flavourless grass-fed hydrolyzed collagen, L-theanine, and Magnesium Bisglycinate. Collagen supports skin health, leaky gut and improves sleep. It also includes the amino acid Glycine, which is known for developing sleep and controlling stress levels. L-theanine helps relieve stress by inducing a relaxing effect without drowsiness, and may also possess immunologic attributes, whereas Magnesium Bisglycinate enhances sleep efficiency and relaxation of the nerves and muscles. It’s flavourless and used in either hot or cold liquids!
2. Reishi Mushroom Extract
Reishi is a medicinal mushroom that has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries. Today, it’s used in Herbal Medicine as an adaptogen. Reishi helps to increase energy and improve your resistance to stress in cases were stress has left you feeling mentally or physically fatigued. Try Reishi when you have a lot of projects coming up at work or are dealing with a long-term stressful situation.
3. Kava Kava
Kava Kava root comes from a tall shrub that grows in the Pacific Islands. It is traditionally used in Herbal Medicine for its ability to make you feel calmer. It provides a sense of relaxation while relieving the burden of anxiety, restlessness, and nervousness. Kava Kava works fast which makes it an excellent option for those times when stress sneaks up on you or becomes too much to handle. Add it to a cup of herbal tea, or drink it with water to reap the benefits


  1. http://webprod.hc-sc.gc.ca/nhpid-bdipsn/atReq.do?atid=reishi
  2. http://www.livescience.com/16975-herbal-supplements-stress-reduction.htmlhttp://www.onemedical.com/blog/all-stress/stress-supplements/
  3. http://www.cmha.ca/mental_health/stress/#.V4aAMFfw-CQ
  4. http://www.adaa.org/understanding-anxiety/related-illnesses/other-related-conditions/stress/physical-activity-reduces-st
  5. http://www.helpguide.org/articles/stress/stress-management.htm

How do you like to relax?