Let’s get real: the way your morning goes will determine the rest of your day. Those 1-2 hours after you wake up are crucial to having a fantastic day… or not. And the key to get the most out of your day is by focusing on keeping your mind, body and soul in check. Because here’s the thing… when this trifecta works in harmony, then you FEEL GOOD all day! That’s exactly why, today I’m sharing with you my top 3 morning rituals that not only help me keep this balance every single day, but that will also add a pinch of health and positive vibes to the rest of your day. (Psst... it take less than 20 minutes!)
One simple thing you can do for a daily health boost is having ½ cup warm water ? + the fresh juice of one lemon ? + ¼ tsp Serenity (for a lovely lavender and mint touch). This mix of ingredients, aside from tasting amazing (if morning had a flavour, this would be it!), works in synergy offering a wide range of health benefits such as:- Promoting a healthy digestion while boosting your metabolic rate (that's how fast your body burns calories)
- Enhancing detoxification of the liver
- Supporting your immune system
- Promoting healthier bones thanks to the vitamin D3 in Serenity
- And the cherry on the cake: it alkalizes your body, thanks to the combination of the vitamin C found in the lemon and the magnesium bisglycinate found in Serenity. The more alkaline your body is, the less prone it is to disease.
Cool, huh? This morning elixir is literally like a powerhouse of health in one little shot…and you can have it every day on an empty stomach. Just make sure to use a stainless steel straw to protect your teeth's enamel!
Starting your day appreciating all the good in your life can have a tremendous effect on the outcome of your day and, literally, your life. In fact, it has been proven that by writing 3 things you are grateful for 21 days straight, you can increase your optimism, willpower and calm, which eventually leads to a happier and healthier life. Right now, life has slowed down a bit, so why not start a daily 5 minute gratitude journal with the 3 (or more) things you are most grateful for?
Coffee is an elixir by itself. I mean, having a cup of freshly brewed coffee in the morning has a certain magic that’s kind of indescribable, right? But what if I tell you that you can add even more magic to your morning brew, based on what your body and mind need? Check this out:
If you’re looking to give your immune system some support, while also achieving healthier, glowing skin… then supercharge your coffee with 1 tsp of GLOW tremella mushroom powder. Aside from being an adaptogen (meaning it's great for supporting your body through periods of stress), tremella has a water-retaining effect that makes your skin look more hydrated, plumped and healthy! BONUS: add 1 tsp of raw cocoa powder and ¼ cup oat milk when you feel like having a treat, it’s like heaven in a cup.
Maybe you have a big project due that needs your full concentration, and working from home has your mind all over the place. Well, I have great news: MEMORY lion's mane powder is about to become your BFF. The brain boosting effect of this particular type of mushroom is enhanced when combined with caffeine! So supercharge your coffee with 1 tsp of MEMORY and get ready to be super productive!