Spring cleaning can mean so much more than a 2-week juice cleanse. Have you ever looked at the mental and emotional side of cleansing? As we move into longer days, and more time outside, can an emotional or mental detox help you feel more energized?
Many people can find that long and cold winters leave us feeling like an attic that hasn't been tended to in a while. Cluttered, and maybe a little dusty. But once the sun comes out, we're getting out the dust pans and "donate" bins. The same thing can be said for our mental and emotional states. In the winter, our minds can get bogged down with clutter - whether its from binge watching a new television series on a cold day, or forgetting how long we've been scrolling Instagram.
Take care everyone! Be happy, be healthy!
Amy Wilson
Amy is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist with over 7 years of experience working in the health and fitness industry. She is currently in her third year as a Naturopathic Medical Student and has a special interest in gut and brain health.
Find her on Instagram: @amy_kwilson
To help you get ready for spring, try out these 3 tips for a mental detox:
1. Let go of what doesn’t serve you.
Mentally and emotionally we hold on to a lot of ‘toxins’. They harbor in our minds and take up space in our bodies. Thoughts and feeling have an energy. If the energy is not positive and serving you, then it is important to let it go. Everyone has their own way of dealing with matters such as these. Yoga, talking it out with a friend, or mindful meditation are just a few ways people chose to heal and help themselves let go. The first step is to acknowledge the extra fluff. What are the things that no longer serve you? Are these things holding you back? The second step is to find ways to eliminate these things in whichever way best suits you. Being less consumed by things that do not benefit you, opens up more time for what really matters.2. Consider doing an electronic detox!
Even if it is only for one extra hour a day, mindfully putting away your contact/social media devices will give you an opportunity to be more in the moment. Being less distracted also helps you manage time better and centers you in a way that creates more productivity. Try putting your phone on silent after dinner for the remainder of the evening. Or choose to leave your your phone alone for the first hour of being awake each day. Using this time for meditation, or time with loved ones can set you up for a more successful day.
3. Clean your closet or garage or whatever it is that has been driving you bonkers!
Donate what you do not need and clear up the clutter. I cannot speak for everyone, but my head feels less cluttered when my environment is less cluttered. Take a day out of the week and tackle a mess. You might breathe a little easier once that chore has been checked off your list. And if tacking one big mess at one time seems daunting, choose one area to work on each week. For example, if you are planning to "Marie Kondo" your wardrobe, choose one area of clothes at a time (i.e. Monday is t-shirts, Tuesday is Pants, Wednesday is socks, etc.). There are so many ways to gently give your life a spring cleaning. Many of the ones listed above can be a new, every day habits. Health is a journey, and wherever you are on the journey, implementing little changes daily, weekly, or even monthly, is always going to be a step forward towards better health and a better you!How do you detox your mind? Send us a message on Instagram or Facebook and tell us!