Health & Wellness

Adjusting to Life ‘Online’

Amy Wilson

One of the biggest changes for many of us in recent times is undoubtedly the increase in time spent in front of a computer. Many post-secondary classes have changed to an online presence, and many jobs have switched to online platforms. Community and support groups are being offered over the web, and have increased tenfold as we continue to find innovative ways to connect. Although this change may come as ideal for some, for others it can be quite difficult. If you find yourself struggling with adjusting to this new online world, here are some ideas that may help ease the process.

Keep moving

Sometimes when we sit for long periods and work, we forget to move. Getting up every 30 minutes or so to stretch and move your body can help with your overall energy. Always take your allotted breaks, and be sure step outside of your workspace to re-collect and re-set yourself physically and mentally. It’s also important to make sure your workspace is ergonomically friendly. Invest in a good chair, keep good posture, and avoid repetitive movements as much as possible.

An upside to these recent changes is that you may be able to save time in your day by not having to leave the house to commute to and from work or school. Instead of sleeping in or crashing on the couch early, you can use this extra time to fit in a nice walk before or after work/school, or join an online exercise or yoga class. Ensuring daily physical activity will help to keep you feeling your best both mentally and physically.

Utilize your time

You can also take some of these extra few minutes to introduce new features into your morning routine. A few ideas to consider implementing could be making your morning coffee into a super-brew, by adding healthy ingredients such as collagen, MCT oil, Maca and/or adaptogens, or jazzing up your morning smoothie with powerful greens such as spirulina or chlorella. By making little changes such as these to your morning habits, you may improve your ability to concentrate and focus throughout the day.

Another great idea for helping you stick with a healthy routine is setting reminders/alarms for yourself. For example, if you take daily supplements such as vitamins, adaptogens or minerals like magnesium, set a reminder on your phone to ensure you are taking them daily.

To ensure you are sticking with meal plans, you can also try using time during your breaks to start meal-prep for supper. When the time comes, this will make it easy to quickly throw it together, and you will have more time to sit and enjoy the meal.

Manage stress

Having other people present in our work environment, such as coworkers and peers, can sometimes be a source of stress relief for us. Having people around can be very therapeutic, and now, as we are more isolated, we may be seeing more detriments to our mental health. It is incredibly important to ensure you are safely involved in some form of community whenever you can be. This can mean being part of an online community/group, or calling friends or family more often. Regardless of how this looks for you, it is important to do your best to stay connected, because we all need it now, more than ever.

If new situations are stressing you out, you may benefit from trying an adaptogen. Ashwaganda is a great adaptogen that helps your body better manage stress. Magnesium can also help to relax your muscles and your mind, allowing for better coping. Organika has a fantastic line of adaptogen and mineral powders you can simply add to your beverage.  

Summing it up

Change can be complicated. Always reach out and ask for help if you are feeling overwhelmed. We all need to be there for one another more than ever at times like these. Try challenging yourself by taking change and turning it into an opportunity to be the best version of yourself. Always remember, talk to your healthcare provider when making any major change to your supplement regime.

Happy adjusting, everyone!

Amy Wilson

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