How I Ran 100 Miles is written by our very own Ontario Sales Lead, father-of-three and guest blogger, Jordan Wickett. He talks about his very first experience completing a 100-mile running race at the Sulphur Springs trail race in Ancaster, Ontario.
The race took place on May 26th and was set up as 20 km loop which I completed eight times. I started at 6 am on Saturday and finished at 9:38 am on Sunday. It was a hot race with a lot of elevation but I kept hydrated and pushed my way through. I ran the race in 27h38m and felt amazing when I completed it with the help of my oldest daughter Nora! It was amazing to see all my family and friends at the finish line supporting me.
So…Why did I do it?
I often get asked why I wanted to run 100 miles and I don’t have a perfect answer. I love to run and I love the adventure of trail races. I also have amazing pacers, who are friends who run with me for the second half of the race. This makes running very enjoyable when you are able to run with friends who are pacing, and crewing for you during the race. Most importantly, I love the challenge of running this distance. I knew beforehand I would have to run all day and all night to complete the 100 miles, and that the race would be a huge test of my grit and determination.How did I do it?
Two key things to ensure any runners success: training and nutrition!Training:
I started a serious, three-month training plan at the beginning of March. My plan involved shorter running, swimming, and weight workouts during the week and long runs on the weekend. I worked my way up to peak long runs of four hours on Saturday followed by five hours on Sunday. I started my long runs at 6 am on the weekends for the most part since I have a young family. This plan really helped me achieve my goal of finishing the race by building up my stamina and endurance.Nutrition:
I followed a low carb diet during most of my training and started eating more carbs as my training intensity increased. I typically tried to eat most of my carbs shortly before and after workouts. I used a number of Organika supplements which really helped me out. I took our Organic Spirulina Powder in my smoothie every day, which gave me some great anti-oxidants, protein, Vitamin B12 and iron. I took our Organic Maca Powder as well – the apoptogenic properties in maca and nutrient dense spirulina helped me bounce back quickly from tough training sessions. I also used the Chicken-Ginger Bone Broth in my smoothie two weeks leading up to my race and one week after. I had very little joint pain after my event and I believe that bone broth and its naturally occurring minerals and collagen had a lot to do with this.The Race