1 : having a high degree of resistance to an illness or disease. 2 : of, relating to, or involving the body's immune system and immune response. 3 : not influenced or affected by something.
As human beings - especially Indigenous people - we have a history of survival within us. Our bodies are literally always fighting for our survival, no matter what food we eat, what we drink or what we do the night before.
Our bodies will continue to fight for our survival. Indigenous people have been fighting off diseases for centuries. We have an inherent thread of resilience, adaptability and wisdom - and after going through this pandemic, so do each and every one of us.
That is what makes 2020 such a catalyst of a year. It has now become apparent more than ever that we need one another for our survival AND for our thriving. Our actions have a direct effect on one another. We are advised to wear a mask to keep each other, especially our elders safe, and to stand six feet apart. We are all connected - and yet the virus has us thinking we are not. We may be apart physically - however, it is vital that we stay connected emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
What Ancient Knowledge Can Teach Us
In times like this, I return to teachings that remind me how to walk this earth in balance and in harmony. There is an Indigenous teaching of the Medicine Wheel - each nation/tribe has their own version of it and the teachings may slightly differ, but the foundation stays the same. The Medicine Wheel is a circle that represents the interconnectedness of everyone and everything. It is divided into four sections - four to represent the four races, the four seasons, the four directions and the four aspects to our wellbeing. In order to be balanced within life - you need to be balanced within your Medicine Wheel. When I studied yoga, I realized that yoga cultivates the same thing through balance and harmony of the mind, body and spirit connection.
The Way Forward
It is a reclamation and a revival of ancient wisdom and teachings that will lead us forward. We must become immune to the virus within humanity, and that is separation. Separation from each other, but also within ourselves.
We must come into balance and harmony through a set of rituals, and ask for continued guidance from forces we may not be able to see, but are guiding us every day. How can you seek to understand our past, the wisdom that pours through the present and the knowledge that has the ability to shape and transform our future?
Intentions are one thing - however, it is the impact and action that we take individually that will mold a sustainable future for all.
Finding Balance Through Rituals
A set of rituals that I have been using throughout this pandemic are...
- Meditation and Sound Therapy
- Offerings to the Creator/Nature
- Talking to and asking my ancestors for guidance through my dreams and visions
- Finding gratitude for my health - emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual well-being
- Amplifying the use of herbs and supplements. Some of my go-to's are:
- Sweetgrass
- Oregano oil
- Immune support mushrooms
- Organika Bee Propolis, Vitamin C and Collagen on the go when travelling!
What are some of the rituals you have begun to introduce in your life or would like to?