As a provider of natural health products, our services have been deemed essential in this time of crisis. We are striving to further our mission to help people live healthier, now more than ever. We're trying our hardest to keep stores properly stocked across the country so you can continue to live your healthy best! The safety of our team is our priority. We have been proactive in switching our office team to working from home early on. However, for our essential operations team members, that option is not available. They continue to come into our operations facilities in these unprecedented times and help us achieve our mission, with additional cleaning and social distancing measures in place to protect their safety. These humble heroes have been working extra hard to ensure our products remain in stock and are shipped on time - we have seen them kick some serious goals despite the challenges they are being faced with!
What's the Heroes Incentive Program?
To say thank you to our frontline team members, we have implemented our COVID-19 Heroes Incentive Program. This program will help support and acknowledge our team members who have been and will continue to come into work every day during this pandemic. This includes:- Temporarily increasing our hourly team members rate of pay by $2 per hour for all hours worked since March 16, 2020;
- All supervisors and essential office team members, whose presence is required on-site, will be receiving a once-off bonus of $250;
- Everyone mentioned above will also be taking home up to $100 worth of Organika products of their choosing.
We cannot express how incredibly proud we are of our entire team for stepping up and working extra hard during this time. We will continue to work hard to keep helping everyone live a healthier life.
Thank you for your support, stay happy & healthy!
The Organika team