The holidays are fast approaching, and there are so many things to look forward to; friends, family, time off work, gifts and giving! This time of year, rolls in so quickly, and before we know it, our weekends are booked with events, baked goodies fill the staff room tables, and our healthy habits get pushed to the side. Even if we have good intentions heading into the holiday season, sometimes temptation can get the better of us. As a result, come January, we often find ourselves struggling to get back into our routine. For this holiday season, how about instead of an ‘all or nothing’ approach, we aim for balance? Let’s discuss some healthy holiday tips to help create balance this holiday season and avoid rolling into the new year with a holiday hangover.
Stay active!
Keep up with your workout regime. This is not the time to let exercise slip. Colder weather and late nights might make it easier to excuse yourself from a training session, but make the effort now and avoid the struggle later. Chances are, we may miss a few visits to the gym during this time of celebration, but getting back to it will be a lot easier if you stick with it as much as possible. If your gym is closed for holiday hours, and/or your extended family has filled your home, find unique ways to exercise. Get outdoors! Dress warm, go for walks with family, build a snow man, or take the kids tobogganing. Just keep MOVING! Sitting around all day with tempting food everywhere can eventually result in a lack of discipline. By going outside and getting some fresh air, you will have a clearer mind to make better decisions and your waistline will thank you.
Rethink your drink
Alcohol adds empty, sugary calories up fast! Do your best to drink a glass of water in between each drink at the holiday get-together. Reduce sugar intake by trying to avoid pop as a mixer and give soda water with a lime wedge a shot instead. You can also do this by choosing a dry wine over a sweet one. After a night of drinking, eating something protein rich will help balance out your blood glucose levels and may help you feel a little less crummy the next morning. If you love the idea of sipping on something warm next to the fire, there are a couple great alternatives to consider. Bone broth is a great way to maintain your gut health, as well as keep your immune system strong. Instead of a hot chocolate, try having an alternative creamy, delicious drink on hand like Organika Mylk Lattes. They are a hit with most crowds and are both healthy and fun!
Thoughtful Bites
When heading out to events, try having a light, protein-rich snack before you get there. This will help you make better food choices because you won’t show up hungry! If you have a choice, contribute a dish. Bringing your own recipe is not only thoughtful, but a great way to help control what you are eating. When it comes to making healthy and tasty recipes, there are so many great options to check out online! Check out Organika's blog to get an idea of some tasty and healthy recipes to make and bake for your family and friends.
Closing thoughts
Get lots of rest over the holiday season, move lots, and cook with intent. Keeping healthy habits strong during the holidays will allow for a little more flexibility when it comes to enjoying grandma's famous sugar cookies!
Celebrate one another.
Happy holidays, Amy Wilson